Wednesday, January 17, 2018

2018 Prize Raffle Final Call

Time is running out!  This is the Final Call to Purchase Raffle Tickets in support the Friends of Fort Frederick by post.  The List of Prizes in order of Drawing are:

The Lang Lyman Style Shot Pouch.
The Fiorillo Backwoods Hunting Pouch
The Wulff Series of Autographed Books
The DeJonge Custom Bonnet
The Leach Samois Style Folder
The Siedeman Haversack & Market Wallet Set
The Browder Leather Canteen

In addition to those prizes previously featured, the following items have been recently donated.  Decriptions on the blog to follow:

The Kobuck Tumpline
A Rare Copy of Sons of a Trackless Forest
The Kobuck Fingerwoven & Beaded Legties.

Ticket Requests  & Payment must be recieved by mail on or before Tuesday January 22nd. Late arrivals or payments after the tickets sell out will be returned uncashed after the event.   Availability updated nightly, Rules and Info posted here.   

Featured Sponsor: Longhunter Leather Company

Our next featured sponsor is Longhunter Leather Company.  Longhunter Leather Company generously donated one of their popular Leather Canteens. Their current catalog describe their canteens as follows:

Our canteens hold approx. 28 to 32 oz., dyed in Walnut med to a dark-brown, are fully lined with pure beeswax, have a hemp strap with leather tabs and stoppers carved out of sassafras or apple wood. They are very functional and durable, with proper care will serve to meet your historical reenacting or trekking needs.

For more information or to view their entire catalog, click here.

Featured Sponsor: The Corp of Light Troops

 Our next featured sponsor is  The Corp of Light Troops.  The Wisconsin based reenactment group generously donated the beautiful hand-sewn linen haversack and market wallet set featured in the photos.

The Corps of Light Troops reenacts British Light Infantry and Colonial Rangers of the F&I War and Pontiac's Uprising. Their current impressions include Tute's Company of Roger's Rangers, Balfour's Company of Gage's Light Infantry, and The 55th Regiment Company of Light Infantry.

For more information, or to contact The Corps of Light Troops, click the following link.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

VA Rangers

In 1755, far removed from the scouts reconnoitering French Carillion for Sir William Johnson, another famous Provincial was coordinating Rangers deployments further south.  

To Captain Baylis, of the Prince-William Militia, will give you this; and leave you a reinforcement of twenty men—with these, and the Detachment of your own company, which has now certainly rejoined you; you will be sufficiently able to send out several scouting parties: And it is my desire, you do your utmost to scour these parts, and protect the people.

You will deliver Mr Baylie what carpenters tools you have in the Fort: as he has orders to build a small Fort at the Mouth of Little Capecapon. I am &c.


May 12th 1756.

N.B. Take Receipts for the several Tools you deliver the Officers.

To Captain William Cocks, of the first Company of Rangers; and Captain John Ashby, of the Second Company.

You are hereby ordered, to remain with your Companies at George Parkers’ Plantation, where you are to erect a Stockade Fort; in building of which, you are to follow Lieutenant Bacons Instructions; he being sent to direct and plan the same. As  is intended for the protection of the Country People, there is no doubt but they will assist all in their power, especially in providing Tools which, without, you may meet with some difficulty. If Lieutenant Bacon should apply for an Escort to conduct him to Captain Ashby’s Company, or to any other place, to which it may be dangerous travelling without—you are to see that he is allowed it: you are to send a trusty Sergeant with proper powers &c. for Recruiting, in order to complete your Company. You are to be very careful to see that no irregularities are committed by your Company, that strict Discipline is observed, and that great pains be taken to inculcate morality and good Harmony, among the Men.
You are to build Barracks therein for your men, and a Magazine for the Reception of the Stores which are to be sent hither: also, to receive necessaries for your own Company.
You are to collect all the Publick Arms and Horses, which you may hear of in the parts adjacent to you, and secure them until they are called for. You are to transmit me the first day of every month, a particular Return of the State of your Company, relating to the variations that may have happened; as also an exact account of your proceedings since your last Return. Besides  these, you are to send me a weekly Return, signed by yourself and Officer, of the State of your Company. You are to provide yourself upon the most reasonable terms, with such Tools as you find absolutely necessary to carry on the work. You are to receive provisions for immediate use, according to my order at Pearsalls and you will hereafter be supplied from this Fort with what you want. By return of the Waggons which came up with Major Lewis’s party, you will receive about eight hundred weight of Flour; and of  that you are to be particular in seeing no waste is committed &c.

N:B. Captain Ashby’s Company is stationed at Sellar’s and McCrackins; at the direction of Lieutenant Bacon.

A keyword search of the George Washington Papers is a great place to start tracking primary source information regarding VA Rangers during the F&I, or Continental Rangers during the AWI.

For a general overview on VA rangers during the F&I War, click here.